Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rain News

It is pouring today, which is a good thing from a blogging perspective, if not a gardening one. Lots of little bits on news (but no new pictures due to rain) to share:
  • I finished eating asparagus this week, and have allowed the spears to grow to full fronds
  • Currently eating 5 types of lettuces and spinach, all spices, green onions and rhubarb
  • Mike trimmed our front tree so I am getting much better sun in the front
  • We had 60 plus km an hour winds last week, so I think the main drop of dutch elm seeds has passed. Mike helped me rake them out of the beds and lawn, which will mean less weeding later. 
  • I wanted to plant my third planting of beans and peas this week, but it looks like I will be waiting till at least next weekend due to rain
  • My squashes and peppers are flowering and some of my tomatoes are starting. I have tomatoes on one larger plant I bought
  • Tulips are mostly done done blooming, and the yard is moving into a new faze.  The backyard is currently dominated by Cranesbill  Germanium, purple and pink Lilac bushes and purple Iris, and the front by orange Poppy and yellow Iris. My back wall is especially beautiful with purple and pink carpets of flowers like flox.
More news to come when I have more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Rain and wind conspire to make a less-than-inspired picture taker :(
