Saturday, June 6, 2009


Mike and I enjoyed our first really good crop of Asparagus this year. We've already stopped harvesting it (although perhaps we could have waited a couple of weeks because of the late frost). This year I picked an average of 6 stalks a day, more if it was really sunny and warm. I've read you should harvest it slightly below the dirt level, although I am too lazy to do it.

Our asparagus lives up against the south face of a fence in the sunny patch beside the green house. It gets compost twice a year, and is often under watered, except when the splashes from the pool give it frequent drinks. The thing I like best about it is how tender and fresh tasting it is. I've been forced to conclude asparagus from the garden is the like carrots from the garden - so far superior it isn't even recognizable as the same form of vegetation. We often eat it off the plant without cooking it, and it's great that way.

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