Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Serious start to harvesting

What a difference two days makes. We were gone camping last weekend from Thursday until Sunday and we had a blast. The girls spent the whole time in or on the lake. We taught them to paddle and went in canoeing in white caps (the girls called it a roller coaster). We also roasted marshmallows, ate some sunflower seeds that Brad gave us, and read lots of books. When we got home and unpacked a huge surprise was waiting in the garden.

We had a huge harvest because we did not pick on Friday or Saturday. We got
  • Lettuce
  • Kohlrabi
  • Zucchini
  • Cucumbers
  • Peas
  • Sugar Snaps
  • Raspberries
  • Edamame beans
I have flowers larger than I am, all my lilies are in bloom and my white clematis is starting. Today, Mike finished the second rain barrel and we went berry picking with Anna. We got three baskets of saskatoons and two of strawberries. I am SO excited to be gardening this year. Check out all the current pictures.


  1. My tummy is full just looking at all of it... no -- wait! I actually ate it all. Buurrrp!

  2. That cauliflower is beautiful.
