Mike, the girls, and I finally finished the deck today. It seemed to take all of August, although we rarely worked on it. It was actually only three days, but we needed several dry days in a row to paint and we couldn't get them. I'm delighted with the deck, which integrates well with the yard now that it is the browns of the house.
Leora help slowly and carefully. Anwyn, like her mother, is a fast, motivated and somewhat imprecise painter. Mike helped them paint the deck yesterday while I was at work, and I did the touch ups today. I really like the combination of the darker and lighter browns.
Today we picked 3 more pumpkins and our weird yellow squash. Our raspberries are finally finished and I completed freezing the last of the 15 gallon pail of basil. We are still eating beets, kohlrabi, beans, strawberries, rhubarb, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, tomotillos, zucchini, eggplant and chard. Our peas finished a few days ago but I have left the roots in the ground to keep fixing nitrogen. I think lettuce is done too, but will plan fall spinach and garlic soon.
I got my box of bulbs from Mom and they look beautiful. I'll be putting them in after the first frost in September. Mike also picked up and put together our reel mower today. I'll be sure to rant about that soon.
Today I spent most of the day in the yard and loved it. Here's a gallery of pictures with my comments about them.
We need to find a way to get vegetarian friendly protein into a pesto recipe so that I can live on it.