Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No Longer Green

In my last post, I gloated over the fact that we did not get Calgary's snow. In retrospect, I may have been tempting fate a little. It's already May and today we had blowing snow all day. It makes me feel like banging my head against my greenhouse wall, but since that thin glass is the only thing protecting my baby plants, I think I'll refrain.

This photo is a picture of my yard on May 15th last year. I had planted my corn, and was protecting it with a row cover. It doesn't quite seem right to have a late season snow just as I am getting ready to plan. What if I keep tracking and find out that I always get snow in May when I want to plant. 

I have had cold hardy stuff in the greenhouse for a couple of weeks, but everything else is still in the grow table or the window boxes. Tonight is the first night we are heating the greenhouse. Last year we were heating by the first of May and had a much wider variety of plants out (see photo right). However, we spent too much heating the greenhouse and we are trying to avoid that this year.

1 comment:

  1. Look outside this morning - it's even more depressing than yesterday.
